Jagriti has impacted over 20 lakh lives through its different initiatives like Internet Saathi, Aarogya Saathi, and enterprises incubated by us. Prominent amongst them are Rahul Mani, R.C. Kushwaha, Santosh Masala, Anita Rai, Arvind Rai, Shiv Tiwari, Ramesh Chandra Pandey, Divyanshu Tiwari and many more. Out of these incubatee enterprises have cumulatively created 1900 plus Jobs in Deoria, Kushinagar and Gorakhpur districts only and our Internet Saathi Project has created 2300 women leaders across 7 districts of Purvanchal, who are now leading its development from the front.
As a significant qualitative impact, we have made enterprise sound normal in geography where enterprise and risk-taking was so far considered an anomaly.
Our slogan of “Udyam Karenge, Aage badhenge” is reaching out to more and more people in the region making them realize it is their own leadership that will catalyse change in Deoria and in Purvanchal by forming enterprises in employment creation, in health and hygiene, in education and in women’s empowerment.
We envision to incubate 300 enterprises in for-profit, healthcare, education and other sectors, creating around 10000 jobs, impacting 3 million lives in the next 5 years.